South Pacific Plantations Management Ltd
is headed by Richard Butler…
Richard has been an appointed Trade Commissioner for Vanuatu 2012-2015 and 2017-2019.
He introduced Vanuatu to the Chinese
“One Belt One Road” concept and has attended trade expos to promote
investment into Vanuatu world wide.

Vanuatu Deputy Prime Minister Loughman (now Prime Minister, March 2020) with Trade Commissioner Butler

Richard Butler, Trade Commissioner, presenting the Malekula Island organic papaya farmlet update and Whittaker report on sustainable irrigation and solar power plan, to the Deputy Prime Minister of Vanuatu, the Honourable Bob Loughman on 12th April 2019.
Richard can be reached on Tel:
+61 417 007 792
South Pacific Plantation Management Ltd is Vanuatu registered company #35141 with Vanuatu Investment Promotion Authority (VIPA) certificate #1679.
The farm is located at Espiegle Bay on Malekula Island, Vanuatu.
This is an “ethical Investment”
Ethical investment is also known as sustainable investment or impact investment or socially responsible investment (SRI). The term describes an investment process that incorporates environmental and social factors when selecting investments, in addition to the objective of achieving a competitive financial return.