
Vanuatu law is privacy-orientated (one of the things we like about it!), so we are not allowed to show names or faces publicly.  However these are GENUINE testimonials from existing owners.

Love this project for the prosperity created for all. The vision of Richard and his team is is soon to be a reality. The villagers now have employment, good roads, a shop, running water, electricity and much more to come.

As an investor I have an excellent worry free retirement fund I can be proud of. More people should look at this type of eco-friendly, ethical, impact investment.

As an investor I have an excellent worry free retirement fund I can be proud of. More people should look at this type of eco-friendly, ethical, impact investment.

I am with South Pacific Plantations for 5 plus years now.

The Amazing increase in value of this project is so good I am lucky to be part of it.  The        updates that the company sends are honest and informative, you are always aware of what is happening.  If you are looking for a project to invest with, this to me is great project.  Richard is hard at work for you always and doing everything he can to insure success,

JW, New York City, 2019

Being an owner of a farmlet in South Pacific Plantation and also having resided in Vanuatu for six years I have seen first hand the positive impact that this project has had on the local population, providing jobs, infrastructure and education.

RK, Brisbane, Australia. 2019

After our refreshing swim we went for a drive up top to the plantation to see where the clearing has begun for the pawpaw to be planted. We saw the team of local men working hard in clearing the vegetation.

We feel proud that by purchasing our Pawpaw farms, we are helping the local men with employment so they can support their families. This development will improve the lives of the local villagers and Vanuatu in general with the flow on effect.

RU, Auckland, New Zealand, 2018

Mr. Richard always introduce the local conditions and customs of the country to us in detail, he also pass what he felt good in this country to you, and he is always thinking about how to help the people here,

When we entered the village, everyone in the village knew and respected Mr. Richard. So we were treated like a guest of honor.

LQ, Shanghai, China, 2018

The project also helped in developing the local community in Malekula Island by sponsoring local project such as clinic, an experimental plot of land for agricultural University students, jobs for locals and other local initiatives.

Investing in a project where you can guarantee profits and positive social impacts for local communities is what I was looking for.  This approach of South Pacific Plantations company in developing and managing the project creates long term sustainability and the required balance between financial investment, the nature, and the development of local communities.

IS. Dubai, 2019

I would like to thank and recommend the team from SPP, especially Rebecca & Richard, for making the nervous moments of offshore investing a pleasurable experience.  SPP has kept me abreast in every stage of this wonderful investment opportunity. I am looking forward to a long term partnership with SPP with future investments on the horizon. Thank you so much for your professionalism and care.

GN, Adelaide, Australia. 2019

The villagers WILL receive employment from this project. We have already funded a local shop on the project, put down a water bore, and our infrastructure plan includes a solar power generating plant, and much more to come.

As an example the Vanuatu government has invested US$19M in a hydro-power station nearby, has a budget of US$30M for upgrading bridges and roads coming round to our farm, and has confirmed the purchase of the main airstrip on Malekula Island,  has committed US$15-20M to upgrade the tarmac and facilities to handle international flights for tourism and cargo.